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change your lifeStyle

James - Personal Trainer

Dyplomowany trener AWFiS Gdańsk
Między naodowe uprawnienia trenerskie national academy of sports medicine
Między naodowe uprawnienia trenerskie National Strength and Conditioning Association
James Kaszuba

Personal trainer
Classic Bodybuilder

Tel: 531 126 787

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A program created for you

Are you ready to reach the form of your life? Each training will not only bring you closer to your goals but will also change your lifestyle. Establishing your cell and accomplishing it is the simplest recipe for success
Life is too short to wait!


"You set your limits"

Trener peronalny Kuba w Adria Gym Rumia

about me



As a teenager I have always had problems with being overweight. I didn’t like PE classes, I didn’t like running and I didn’t like exercising. But I loved spending time playing computer games, consuming countless sweets and coca-cola. Although I did not have the predisposition to gain weight, my parents blamed it on poor metabolism. Eventually, I believed so myself. As a teenager I wasn’t  happy and didn’t feel comfortable in my own skin. I have made numerous attempts to lose weight - starting from buying dietery products advertised on the TV  to sticking to countless „miraculous diets”. One day somebody told me that my looks were the consequences of my life choices, that my appearance was a reflection of what I used to do and that there were no shortcuts in life. I was told that there was only one way to fix it and I was wasting my time not facing this fact. It was my Father, or more precisely, the man who raised me like a son. I had taken it to my heart and 9 months later, when I was 25 kg lighter I realized that I had achieved my first serious life goal which at first seemed unachievable. This change made me realize that we set our limits ourselves and motivated me to take further action. As a personal trainer and a nutritionist I am here to help you achieve your goals and to achieve your dreams.

Courses and certificates

* Master of Psychology

* AWF Gdansk Recreational Instructor

* Certified NASM Personal Trainer

* Certified Personal Trainer NSCA

Sport awards

* Polish Master in Classic Bodybulding 2018

* VII European Championship in Classic Bodybulding 2018

* IV Polish Championship in Classic Bodybulding 2018

* II Spot Bodybulding  Contest 2017

* III Wieżbicki BodyShow 2018

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